Wellness Visits (WCC)
What can I expect at my child's wellness visit?
- When you check in on the I-PAD (kiosk) you will be asked a series of questions about your baby/child that will help us ensure that they are developing normally. These questions help us to evaluate your baby/child.
- The nurse will bring you and your baby/child into an exam room and check his/her weight, length/height, and head circumference (if appropriate).
- The health care provider then will come in and go over the growth chart with you and ask you more questions about your baby/child's development. Then they will do an exam on your baby/child from head to toe. During and after the exam the health care provider will talk to you about how to keep your baby/child healthy, their up coming developmental changes, and the vaccinations due at this visit and when the next wellness visit is due. You will be provided with a handout with all the information on it to review later. You can find copies of the handouts here